Friday, April 30, 2010

The Disposition of Remains Document


Probably not a common warning for most blog posts, but I stumbled across an interesting article that inspired me to talk briefly about one of the many tools in my belt as an estate planner: the Disposition of Remains.

This stand-alone document lives with your will, and specifies just what you want done with your body upon your death. While many of my clients default to pretty generic provisions -- cremation and then scattered by their family; burial on a family plot -- some of my clients are very directed in their dispositions: specifying what type of a funeral or wake the would want, paying for family members to travel to have their ashes scattered, and even naming a particular party planner to arrange a celebration of their life.

As creative as I've seen some of my clients' dispositions get, none of them have gone to this extreme:

You can read the full article here.

Of course, you'll want to consult with your favorite estate planning attorney to discuss just what cool things you can do with you body once you've shuffled off this mortal coil.

And please, always wear a helmet when you're riding your motorcycle. ;)